Sunday, February 19, 2017

Earning Your Stripes

My mom always told me I could talk to wallpaper. I never knew if that was a compliment or a complaint but she was not incorrect. I always loved entertaining others and that was no different when I got my first classroom of 30 students. Although my first year was a doozy (I mean, what teacher’s isn’t?) a lot of things just came natural to me. Sure there was quite a bit of trial and error but for the most part I found my bearings quickly. Content wise, I felt very confident. I was teaching the subject I studied in college, had a heck of a cooperating teacher for my student teaching experience, and had someone on my campus who could answer any question I had. With that in my back pocket, I felt pretty good about my teaching efforts.

As I sit here and eat my piece of humble pie, I realized quickly my teaching style was very different, which brought me some attention. I felt like (definitely NOT all) some seasoned teachers did not like to see the inexperienced teacher do so well. I wondered why this was. Shouldn’t we celebrate others? Shouldn’t we find ways to highlight everyone’s strengths? I realized- maybe they thought I should “earn my stripes.” Being a good teacher is one thing, but being a valued team member is another. Gaining others respect, supporting others, getting some years of experience: these would all come in time. Even as a year three teacher my “go big or go home” philosophy can still get in the way from time to time. I have so much to learn and love learning from others daily. The things I enjoy most is being a part in people's stories, and sharing my love and passion for teaching.

So what do you do? Pump the brakes, push the gas, worry about everything you say and do? I still have not figured that out. Sometimes when other teachers make comments, I do feel like I need to make a “keeping up with the Jones’” remark. I try to refrain from it as much as I can, but sometimes I want my efforts heard and acknowledged as well. I also live in a world where I just want everyone to like me, and it bothers me to think that someone does not or that I have rubbed them the wrong way.

In my journey to gain respect, and earn my stripes- I realize there will be another “Lexi” that will come into my life. As a veteran teacher, how will I receive her? How will I inspire her to be better? I would probably tell “future Lexi” to ROCK ON and be amazing for kids despite what others say. Stay humble because the only person you need to be better than is YOURSELF!  

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Inspire, Be Inspiring, Become Inspired

This post is my first blog post because I became inspired-

My name is Lexi Law and my current teaching position is 5th Grade Science in North Texas. At this point in my career I am wrapping up the back half of my third year of teaching. I promise what I lack in experience I over compensate in the amount of energy I have.

Although I feel like my first year of teaching should have counted as 4 years of experience. I was at a difficult school, cried in the parking lot on my lunch hour almost every day, and lost over half of my hair due to stress. I taught two subjects and quickly became the staff member no one liked because I had no classroom and got pushed into whichever teacher's room who was on conference. I became very comfortable with letting others watch me teach because I did not have any other option. I have always been a people-pleaser and fallen victim to a lot of things I did not want to do because I simply cannot tell people "No!" I am the go to volunTOLD person. Gratefully, I have learned so much in my experiences from not being able to say, "No!" 

I have been placed on every cohort, collaborative, leadership team, and pilot my district offers. I keep my summers slammed with professional developments and conferences to present at and attend. Sometimes I wonder WHY, LEXI? Why do you pile your plate so high and so full? Then I realized...

I think about the word inspire. What that word encompasses. I love being around people who love to inspire others. I have found that those teachers, the ones that aim to inspire others, all participate in the cohorts, collaboratives, leadership teams, and get picked for the pilots. I love being around like minded people. It allows me to become a sponge and just soak up all the greatness that I can from them.

How do I then turn it around and be inspiring to someone else. Most teachers are not okay with being mediocre so how do I take what I have/or know and be inspiring. My teaching style has always been different and I am definitely not one to let my lesson planning become stagnate or stale. I feel like the "be inspiring" aspect just comes from admiration and not pushing. Others have to want the drive to be inspired; I cannot MAKE someone want more. I just have to continue leading by example because the #KidsDeserveIt.

To become inspired is an easy one for me. I become inspired rather easily and I do not know why or how that came to be. I am the one who is the crying sap listening to the Teacher of the Year speak, or hear a motivational speaker and think I can change the world. I become inspired by my Educational Heroes that write books about their experiences, like Paul Solarz- Learn Like a Pirate, Dave Burgess- Teach Like a Pirate, Matt Miller- Ditch That Textbook, and Adam Welcome and Todd Nesloney- Kids Deserve It. After reading about their amazing classrooms and schools, I then tried to find innovative ways to bring that back to my class for my students. If I am being honest, following all of these amazing people on twitter totally helps me stay in a motivated mindset. My PLN teaches me and inspires me daily.

My advice to you, as a semi-new teacher, do not quit being a sponge whether you are starting year 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25. I have so much to learn from my veteran teachers, and I have barely scratched the surface in my efforts to become a great teacher. I just hope I always have the drive to be better, to evolve as the kids do, and to push myself to not settle for mediocre. 

This Little Light of Mine..

My personality. Let’s just say God got a little distracted and poured a little heavy that day. I am just a people person and pleaser. I jus...